(1.武汉工程大学 机电工程学院,湖北 武汉 430205;2.武汉烽火技术服务有限公司,湖北 武汉 430205)
中图分类号:TG44                文献标志码:A            doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-0316.2024.03.003
文章编号:1006-0316 (2024) 03-0019-07
Research on Welding Process Parameters and Weld Bead Forming Parameters
SONG Qi1,CHEN Xubing1,HAN Guirong1,WANG Shixian1,ZHANG Yuquan2,WEI Ming2
( 1. School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430205, China; 2. Wuhan Fiberhome Technical Services Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430205, China )
Abstract:In welding process with complex spatial curves, the weld passes of the multi-layer welding affect the quality of the final weld formation. The weld formation quality is related to the welding process parameters. In order to explore this relationship, a single-pass cladding test platform with argon as the shielding gas was built. According to the analysis of 13 sets of test results, the influence laws of each welding process parameter and weld bead forming parameter were obtained. It was found that when the welding current remains constant, the cross-sectional area, fusion width and reinforcement of the weld bead increase with the decrease of the welding speed. When the welding speed remains constant, the cross-sectional area, fusion width and reinforcement of the weld bead decrease with the decrease of the welding current. The mathematical model is established by the method of secondary rotation combination design. The weld bead forming parameters are predicted and the welding process parameters are determined according to the weld bead information. The welding speed is taken as the input of the model, and the welding cross-sectional area, reinforcement and weld width are taken as the output of the model. Regression test is carried out on the model, and the relational expression between input and output is obtained through reverse coding calculation. Finally, based on the model, the relationship curve between welding process parameters and weld bead forming parameters is obtained, which provides theoretical guidance for subsequent welding process parameter selection and multi-layer multi-pass welding path planning.
Key words:multi-layer and multi-pass welding;process parameters;weld bead forming parameter


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