(1.中国核动力研究设计院,四川 成都 610213;2.西安交通大学 机械工程学院,陕西 西安 710049)
中图分类号:TU441+.33            文献标志码:A        doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-0316.2024.05.002
文章编号:1006-0316 (2024) 05-0011-06
Tortuosity Identification Method of Porous Media Based on Scanning Electron Microscope
YIN Tingting1,WANG Chao1,ZHANG Zhongbiao1,SUN Jiannan2,YAN Ke2
( 1. Nuclear Power Institute of China, Chengdu 610213, China; 2. School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China )
Abstract:Tortuosity is the key parameter to study the seepage characteristics of porous media, which reflects the tortuosity degree of the fluid flowing through the porous media. At present, the tortuosity parameters of porous media are mainly obtained indirectly by experiments and instrumental measurements, which have the problems of the subjective influence of the investigators on the experimenters and the unclear measurement and calculation methods. For this reason, on the basis of the scanning electron microscope images of porous media materials, this paper uses the level set principle to segment the pore channels of porous media materials and calculates the streamlines of the fluid in the pore channels, and extracts the tortuosity parameters of porous media through digital recognition methods. Finally, the tortuosity parameters of the corresponding porous media materials are measured by the mercury porosimeter are compared with the identification results to verify the correctness of the tortuosity calculation method in this paper, which provides a new solution idea for the calculation of the tortuosity of porous media.
Key words:porous media;level set principle;tortuosity;scanning electron microscope


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