(中石油天然气股份有限公司 广西石化分公司,广西 钦州 535008)
摘要:在改造高温热泵机械密封的过程中,很多厂家采用Plan 21冲洗和单焊接金属波纹管密封结构的解决方案,该方案结构简单、使用成本低,能明显地提高焊接金属波纹管机械密封的寿命。因此,很多厂家大力推荐和使用。指出该方案存在严重安全隐患,提出必须以安全性为前,准确理解和正确运用API682推荐密封型式及辅助系统,防止高温密封泄漏恶性事故的发生。
中图分类号:TH136         文献标识码:A           文章编号:10060316 (2012) 01007803
Design improvements on mechanical seals of high-temperature heat pumps
DENG Zong-hua
(Guangxi Branch of Petro-China Company Limited,Qinzhou 535008,China)
Abstract:In the process of reforming the mechanical seals applied on high-temperature heat pumps, many seal manufacturers have resorted to the combination of a single welded metal bellow seal and an API PLAN21 flush plan, due to its low cost, simple construction and great extension of a seal’s service life. It becomes a recommended and popular sealing solution among seal manufacturers. However, this article points out the grievous security risk hidden behind the solution. It argues that security should be put at first place and emphasizes correct understanding and application of seal types and auxiliary systems recommended in API 682, to avoid fatal leakage accident of the high-temperature heat pump seals.
Key wordshigh-temperature heat pumps;mechanical seals; support systems;design;application;improvement



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